Mineral Makeup and Asthma?

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Mineral Makeup and Asthma?

Post by emerald » Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:44 pm

First I'd like to say that I just tried SN and I love it! The only problem is, it seems to aggravate my asthma. I have tried mineral makeup several times before and it seems to happen every time. I tried not to breathe it in but maybe I'm doing something wrong? Does anyone else have this experience? Is there anything I can do?
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Re: Mineral Makeup and Asthma?

Post by Xarata » Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:10 pm

the only suggestion i can make is to apply it with a wet or damp method so you don't get the particles in the air. In general, if you're getting A LOT of powder in the air, you're using too much makeup on your brush but if even a little is bothering you:

The Damp Method- mist your brush before dipping/swirling in the powder.

The Wet/Liquid Method- Mix your minerals with a moisturizer or aloe to create a mineral liquid. There are several companies that make liquid and mousse minerals by the way. MAD minerals, Aubrey Nicole, pureluxe and several others. If you inquire over at MMM they should have a list for you. I don't know if Karen has plans for a liquid or a mousse but it never hurts to ask!

If you're only have the problem after your makeup is applied, you may just need to spritz your face with a hydrosol to set the powders and leave the room you were applying makeup in.

I hope you find what works for you!
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Re: Mineral Makeup and Asthma?

Post by ~*mikie*~ » Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:30 am

I use the "damp" method to apply my mmu often. After loading my brush, I spritz it several times & the mist just dampens the mmu. I start at the perimeter of my face where my sun-damage is most prevalent & then respritz the brush (w/o reloading) & go over the rest of my face.

I also often mix my mmu with a serum to apply because I have dry skin. Application is *very* fast & easy w/this method.

Either way will combat any mmu dust.

Good luck!

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