A year ago, I was in a completely different place. I had surgery last September to treat breast cancer. I chose to go with a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction, mainly due to heavy family history and being relatively young. Unfortunately, I developed an infection that turned out to be MRSA. After weeks on multiple antibiotics, we thought the infection was gone, but it returned. I had to have emergency surgery last October to remove the tissue expanders and the infection. I did not have to have chemo or radiation due to the mastectomy choice, but I have to take Tamoxifen for 5 years total (approximately 4 1/2 years left!). It's been a long road to recovery, and there are still a few rough days, but I'm cancer-free at this point. Eventually, I will revisit reconstructive surgery. Honestly, I don't know that I really want to go through expanders, implants, and probably multiple revision surgeries, and I'm taking some time to decide what is best for me. Currently, I don't have a flat chest, due to the last surgery. My thoughts now are to have surgery to make everything nice and flat, and get a cool tattoo. Done. I spent the last 15 years with large breasts that I was uncomfortable with, so being able to actually wear cute clothes again is a plus now!
To all you ladies: A mammogram saved my life. I didn't have a lump. The cancer was so small that it only showed up on the mammogram. So, if you are due for a mammogram and putting it off, DON'T. Also, find out your family history. My mom had breast cancer, too, and our pathology reports were very similar. My surgeon confirmed that when we reviewed them together. If you have a close relative, see if you can get a copy of those reports, if needed. After some research, my mom discovered five great-aunts of hers who were all sisters, and all had breast cancer. There are other relatives scattered along the way, too. Take care of yourselves!
If you have questions and want to ask me, I'll be happy to talk. You can PM me, if you like.