I am dark skin African American (Bare Minerals Golden Deep / MAC NW48). I am looking for a pinky brown nude lippie. I'm leaning on either Strut, Canoodle, or Swoon. My top lip is dark, my bottom lip has a little pink. Attached is a pic, unflattering, but for the cause. LOL.
Please advise on which would be the better choice.
Pinky brown nude lippie for dark skin
Re: Pinky brown nude lippie for dark skin
I don't see the pic,
But I would try Canoodle. It is kind of the middle. I fear that Strut won't have enough pink, and Swoon might be too pink......
But I would try Canoodle. It is kind of the middle. I fear that Strut won't have enough pink, and Swoon might be too pink......
Your Silk Naturals Forum Cruise Director!
1Olive:14 Ivory
Lips: Maiden & Nectar
Eyes: Phantom, Linen, & Fusion + Tarnish
Skincare: BHA & Awesome Sauce
Email a pic for foundation help: colorquestions dot silkmakeup at gmail dot com
1Olive:14 Ivory
Lips: Maiden & Nectar
Eyes: Phantom, Linen, & Fusion + Tarnish
Skincare: BHA & Awesome Sauce
Email a pic for foundation help: colorquestions dot silkmakeup at gmail dot com
Re: Pinky brown nude lippie for dark skin
Another vote for Canoodle! I have a dark top lip and a pink bottom lip and Canoodle is opaque enough to give full coverage. It also has enough depth to be flattering on medium to dark skin tones. I have tan olive skin and it's my HG.
I have Strut and it's too light for my skin tone. HTH!
I have Strut and it's too light for my skin tone. HTH!