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Proper vs Betty???

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:35 pm
by wonny
HELLO beautiful people, do you think any of you can help me out? I'm having a hard time deciding between Proper and Betty. I absolutely LOVE Pretty Please and Beguile, but I'd like a color somewhere in between in terms of depth? It seems that Proper & Betty have the same opacity..? I know the slick sticks have fairly good coverage (which I need, as my lips are quite pigmented and purple/brown around the edges) but if either of them are particularly sheer, it'd be awesome to know. I'll attach some photos of how Pretty Please and Beguile looks on my lips. Pretty Please is a little lighter irl and Beguile is a little more darker. I am G40/G50 in SN, and I think I'm around NC30 in MAC. Thank you so much if you can help me out! :D

Edit: what is grammar