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Product Recommendations? Moisturizer and Serum

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:52 pm
by Staceyy
I'd like to try a moisturizer and serum, I'm willing to buy samples but I'm not sure which ones would be best for me.

I have dehydrated, dry and fairly sensitive skin. My primary concern is the dehydration/dryness. My skin isn't super sensitive but it does react easily to certain things. I'm 30 years old (as an fyi...).
My skin just feels tight and dull. I'd love for it to be more dewy, hydrated, moisturized and bright.

I was thinking of trying either the Argan Moisturizer or The Intensive Moisturizer.

As far as serums go, I was thinking of trying either the Awesome Sauce, Botanical Hydration Serum, Green Tea/Aloe, Oatmeal Serum, Rose Serum or Super Serum. I know I've named almost all of them, I'm just not sure what to narrow it down to or if I'd be best layering two of these serums?

Thanks to anyone that can help :)

Re: Product Recommendations? Moisturizer and Serum

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:17 pm
by JenW
Staceyy wrote:I'd like to try a moisturizer and serum, I'm willing to buy samples but I'm not sure which ones would be best for me.

I have dehydrated, dry and fairly sensitive skin. My primary concern is the dehydration/dryness. My skin isn't super sensitive but it does react easily to certain things. I'm 30 years old (as an fyi...).
My skin just feels tight and dull. I'd love for it to be more dewy, hydrated, moisturized and bright.

I was thinking of trying either the Argan Moisturizer or The Intensive Moisturizer.

As far as serums go, I was thinking of trying either the Awesome Sauce, Botanical Hydration Serum, Green Tea/Aloe, Oatmeal Serum, Rose Serum or Super Serum. I know I've named almost all of them, I'm just not sure what to narrow it down to or if I'd be best layering two of these serums?

Thanks to anyone that can help :)
For moisturizers, the first is more basic, the second has a little more going on it the anti-ageing area. For the serums, the first and last on your list are treatment serums, and all of the others are hydration serums. Super Serum is usually my first choice if your skin is not too sensitive to use it, then Awesome Sauce. For the hydration serums, Botanical and Oatmeal are the most hydrating. You might be able to switch to one of the other hydrating serums when the weather changes.

Re: Product Recommendations? Moisturizer and Serum

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:23 pm
by Staceyy
For the moisturizer, do you think that I would need the anti-aging one right now or would I be better off with the argan?

I have a couple fine lines around my eyes, but I think it's actually just due to dehydration because they go away when I hydrate properly.

As far as the Oatmeal vs. Botanical Serums what are the benefits of one over the other? I tried an Oatmeal Serum from Garden of Wisdom and it, honestly, didn't really help that much with hydration for me but I don't know how your formulation compares to theirs.

Re: Product Recommendations? Moisturizer and Serum

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:57 pm
by JenW
30 is not a bad time to start. Anti-ageing is as much preventive as anything. If you were in your 20s, I might lean the other way.

Really, for the hydration, you might want to try them both. I know the Oatmeal is a little less expensive, and if it works, I'd go that route. You can always sample them both. Our formulation is similar in some ways, different in others, and might be very different on the skin.