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Relpacement for Polished Pink?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:51 pm
by lilychemgirl
Hi Ladies,

I adored polished pink, on me it was the perfect mlbb, but I have finished my tube :( My lips are strange, my skin is kind of neutral/warm in shade, but my lips are very cool (almost pale purple without lippy), so if I wear anything cool or pink it turns purple on me, and clashes with my skin, and if I wear anything without some pink/red/plum it makes me look dead. I have tried lots of SN lippies, the mlbb ones I have tried (that I can remember!) include aria (too cool), birthday suit (too brown - I need some colour), bobbi (awesome, I love it), foreplay (too pink/gold), gold blush (I could wear this in summer when my lips are pinker, but it didn't really have enough colour), jaybird (too brown), modern poet (too light), precious (I like this, but I have to be careful what I wear it with, with a super bold eye it looks good, as long as my skin is looking good but even precious can look cool on me as my purplish lips show through), kinetic (too brown), kitten (not enough pigment, too much gold shimmer).

I know that makes it almost impossible, lol, but can anyone think of a colour that I have missed that is similar to bobbi and polished pink? I know polished pink looked really warm and coppery on some people, I can't normally wear colours like that, but on me it just looked neutral/mlbb. I miss it already and it has only been a few days!

Thanks :)

Re: Relpacement for Polished Pink?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:45 pm
by Maeva
Have you tried Cultured? Or perhaps Maiden?
Check out the new Nice Nudes lippie palette. It is great for blending.

Happy hunting ;)

Re: Relpacement for Polished Pink?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:32 am
by lilychemgirl
Thanks for the reply :)

I have tried cultured, I believe it was too pink on me,I haven't tried Maiden, not sure why, nudes tend to be quite difficult for me to pull off. I will bear it in mind :)

Re: Relpacement for Polished Pink?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:44 am
by bellatete
how about any of the following:
- caramel (one of my favourite mlbb colours)
- rhapsody (warmer than aria)
- skinny dip (less brown than jaybird)
- st. tropez (love this one as a pinky nude too)

Re: Relpacement for Polished Pink?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:54 am
by Xarata
second st. tropez. Have you played with the stains? I use trixie to warm up my lips and often top with something pinker. You might also like pout

Re: Relpacement for Polished Pink?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:44 am
by bellatete
of course, the stains!! good idea :D