-My little sister got engaged a year ago. I offered to make her dress(i have a fashion degree). Over the months I kept sending reminders that I really needed some direction on style/color. Last week she finally gave me a picture- of an assymmetrical ruffled chiffon dress with an embellished corset- and 3 yards of fabric in the wrong color because she didn't take her corset with her to the fabric store. Her wedding is in 2 weeks. She's my sister and she will have her beautiful dress, time be damned, but HOW RUDE!!!
-2 weeks ago I found a scam on my bank account that had managed to chisel out ~$700 over 3 years in $15-$20 monthly increments. Admittedly, I felt stupid/unobservant for not noticing, but boy was I MAD anyway!!!
That was nice. Thanks for "listening". It helps