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Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:02 pm
by meheeeen
Hey ladies! I haven't posted here in a while, been on a REALLY tight budget so I banned myself (or tried to) from any kind of makeup website.
I'm transferring to college to get a degree in my love, art, but the financial part of it is really difficult. I've worked and saved for two years but have had to give up all of my savings (a considerable amount) to my family, who are having a time of difficulty right now due to salary cuts. For the first time in 17 years of living here we haven't been able to make rent this month.

So I'm asking any of you lovely ladies to check out my Etsy shop and maybe see if you want to buy a painting or drawing? You're helping me out SOOO much, and you get something in return that hopefully you love. Buying art is a really good investment; it doesn't just sit there, but it gives back. It brightens the home, lifts the spirits, inspires thoughts, and brings you to a better place in your mind when you are able to live with art that you love.

So please, please, check out my shop? I take requests/commissions as well! And there are plenty of works that are not up on the shop for sale that you can view at my deviant art and request for them to be put up so you can buy them. has MUCH more affordable prints, if you are on a tight budget you can still check these out! Thanks!

Thanks for your time in reading this and I hope you check it out and pass it along!


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:27 pm
by meheeeen
Added a link to my society6 page as well!