My First Order!!!

Post your favorite tips and tricks, FOTD's, and swap foundation recipes!
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My First Order!!!

Post by la_canadiense(01) » Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:52 am

Hey everyone!
Well, I have not posted here before, so I’m a newbie. I used EDM for about the last year, but was never completely happy with the foundation. I have some of the eye colours, and some of them I LOVE but others are, so so. Well, I came over here initially to get the sample kit for foundation and some skin care, but I think I am here to stay! My first order I got a lippie (crimson organic one) the sample foundation kit, forbidden and climax blush, splendid perfecting glow, and I think that’s it! I am more than happy with my order!!

So, for the lippie, I LOVE it I have been wanting to try a red for a while, and I took a major gamble just ordering based on description and not much more, but I love it! And my hubby loves it even more I think! Hehe…
and the girls at work also comment saying it brings out the green in my eyes. For day time I just sort of lightly dot it on so it is pretty sheer, but for night I do a proper layer, and I am mad about this lippie. :D

Blushes, climax is too light for me :( but is nice as an all over face colour, just sort of brightens up my complexion. Forbidden is amazing, I am very happy with it. Will probably get the full size next. And I also love splendid, I think that deserves a full size as well. ;)
Foundation. Well I ordered a medium ivory on the side, and that is what I used to mix. I have so far tried with olive and warm, and I can’t see any difference between them! I did a half and half face and they look identical. So I am wearing them now, alternating days, to see if there is any difference after a full days wear. So far I can’t see anything. Except, for today I am wearing warm, and I feel like my face looks brigher, so maybe the olive was a tad too green for me. It still looked fine, but today I feel like my skin looks better, I think…anyhow, will have to keep fiddling around, might just try the other base colours for fun, see how they look.

And my free goodies!!!! So, I got a sample of dreamy e/s, it is a beautiful lavender plum purple shimmer colour. Looks fantastic on. Have already used it a few times. Not too dark for day time, but dark enough that it makes an impact I love purples but often have a problem that once I put it on, the base colour is all that shows up, and it is typically not purple, but black or brown. So even though I love purples I have stopped buying them for this reason. But this one is true to colour and so lovely on. I also got a bigger sample (I think - (dreamy I got in a tiny baggie and this one I got in a little jar)) of a colour called Cyprus Sand. I looked online for it but it’s not there…so is it not for sale? Either way, I love it as well. It is a sort of muted key gray with sort of green and copper to it, I think…haha, I am so bad at describing these things. It is very similar to BE Moss, but less dark, so easier to wear during the day. I have it on now in fact, and it is easy to put in quickly and not go overboard. This is why I rarely wore Moss because it just ended up too dark for work. And finally, I got a small lippie sample called Black Dalia. It is a dark berry red, very nice for evenings, but too dark for work. It is definitely a colour that is in fashion now, and I think many girls would love it.
Anyhow, wanted to give a bit of a review of the freebies I got since, I don’t see them online and maybe Karen wants feedback on items she is thinking about selling??
If you have any questions, let me know!! I will get some pics of for you :D

Was EDM Buff Perfect. Currently, 1:8 Original Ivory, Warm Gold. !!! Loving SN :)
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Re: My First Order!!!

Post by Vroni » Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:13 pm


great to hear that you love your products :)

Dreamy e/s is actually from the new metallic e/s collection. Black Dahlia came out aroudn the same time (can we call it fall collection??)

Cyprus Sand was a gwp last week or the week before.
Gift with purchase (gwp) are mini sized items, that you get when you spent more that 10$. They change every friday, most of the time ^^
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Re: My First Order!!!

Post by lcash » Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:07 pm

Welcome to the Forum! So happy to hear you like SN products. You'll meet quite a few SN addicts and enablers in this bunch. (Especially watch out for Sarah - she's a real tricky one!) You've already found out what all of us love about SN - there are so many different ways to use all the wonderful colors and you can adjust as you go. You're smart to buy the samples - even if you don't like something, you certainly have a friend who will!! Spend some time cruising the forum and see what the other gals are up to. This is a terrific bunch of women who are friendly, helpful, and supportive - whether it's about makeup challenges or life situations. Happy shopping! (You've GOT to try the skin care products!)
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Re: My First Order!!!

Post by Rhys » Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:29 pm

It's always nice to see another convert :)

And there are lots and lots of wearable red lippies here - even for those of us who couldn't wear red before. The lippies seem to turn into an addiction for everybody - you've been warned :D

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Re: My First Order!!!

Post by kinjali22 » Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:36 pm

Hi la_canadiense(01)! Welcome! I also recently joined SN and am in love with their products <3 I see that you've tried Climax and it was too light. I would recommend you try Satisfied. It's more pigmented than Climax and has subtle shimmer to it. I would also suggest trying a sample of Carnal and Cider blush. I know Carnal is scary in the photo's, but you have to try it. It's truly a beautiful color. And Cider will give you this natural beautiful glow.
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Re: My First Order!!!

Post by la_canadiense(01) » Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:15 am

Hey all! Thanks for the comments!
The worst thing in the world (well, not really but you know what I mean….) is putting up a new post and no one responds!! Haha, so I am happy you all did, helps make me feel more welcome! :D

I have already had a good look around the forum, which is what helped me with my first mix. I used Buff Perfect and/or Buff Fairly Summer in EDM, so I was able to find someone else who used them as well, and from there I figured it out. :lol:
So far I can tell you that what I love about SN foundation is that it seems to be a better match for my skin, and all I am currently using is Warm with medium coverage ivory. With EDM I still always felt the match wasn’t 100% but I was done trying to find the perfect match. With SN, I already seem to have a nice match and so far the blending is nicer, less powerdery on my face, and can even wear the olive no problem, so I find this a great advantage.

So, I guess two of my freebies are already for sale! That is great. I really like dreamy, so I will definitely be getting a full size of that. And I am loving Cyprus Sand. I’ve worn it for the last week and it looks fantastic for day time. I just put another order through so hopefully I get a different sample, from the sounds of it I should.
And I did get carnal in this last order, and the more pigmented version of Climax because I love very pigmented and even dark blushes. Even though they can be tricky to work with and I am farily light skinned, I like that you need less product to get a great result, so that means less powder on my face! In BE I loved the Glee blush, so I am hoping this is sort of similar. That one was also very pigmented and I really liked how it went on. so of course i also got the fibreoptic brush....yeah!
This round I’ve ordered two skin care products. The raspberry moisturizer and a fancy dancy serum (with a really long name). Might as well fight those lines while I am still young enough!!

oh, and, one last thing!! my foundation seems to last ALL DAY! that is amazing! and doesnt seem to rub off so easily on my phone, or clothes. I was flabergasted yesterday when i took of my makeup, there was still a ton on my face!
Well thanks again all! :D

Was EDM Buff Perfect. Currently, 1:8 Original Ivory, Warm Gold. !!! Loving SN :)
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Re: My First Order!!!

Post by Rhys » Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:44 am

The foundation is great. The original is the least powdery on your face, and is the lightest coverage, if the medium is too powdery.

You might also like one of the perfecting powders - I use Datebait sometimes in lieu of foundation if I'm in a hurry, or on top of foundation - the powders are absolutely wonderful and also don't cake. And the original is always a good one to have on hand - it blends in perfectly and doesn't dry you out - just gives you a bit of a soft focus finish. They're the nicest FPs I've ever used, and the ONLY ones I'll use at this point.

For your skintone, I'm betting that the Crinoline or Cupid glows would be terrific for a special blush, or just for a glow, and Cider would likely look really good on you, too.

You will LOVE the fibreoptic brush, and there are a lot of pigmented blushes. I like Carnal too even though I'm very pale - with a light hand and the fibreoptic it's gorgeous. If you like pinks, Tart or Tart Light is flattering on just about everybody.

A good everyday red lippie is Hot Blooded. Don't be afraid of the liquid glosses, either, they aren't sticky at all like most are. Cherry Crush is another good daytime red, and with your colouring, I bet you'd rock Copper Rose, Iced Mocha, and Vintage.

And you'll love the skincare! I adore the hydrating serums (oatmeal, rose, green tea & aloe), can't live without the Super Serum and Facelift (Super Serum mornings, Facelift evenings), and am trying the Firming Moisturiser. And don't forget the Pore Refining Toner! The ingredients are first-rate, there isn't a lot of unnecessary junk in them, and you just can't beat the prices.

Eyeshadow - there's something for everyone. You need Idolize (seventeen other people - at least - will tell you that!), and try one of the morphing colours - they're actually not overpowering on the shimmer - they just look lovely when the light hits them, and are fairly translucent.

You'll have a lot of fun here. I'm in Canada too and the shipping prices are good, plus I've only been dinged twice by customs in - over three years now? Sometime close to when SN opened for business.

Enjoy your stay - you'll find all kinds of great things here, and Karen is the clone fairy godmother if you see something in an expensive line you like - just ask!
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Re: My First Order!!!

Post by Allyxx » Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:28 am

I'm so glad to see so many converts here! I feel like I'm not alone! LOL I caved and made my second SN order! Filled with lotsa blushes, glows and finishing powders! I cant wait!!!! :D :D :D
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Re: My First Order!!!

Post by chaye » Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:10 am

Happy to see another convert to SN. I also used EDM before stumbling upon SN. I love being able to tweak the darkness and depth of my foundation without having to buy a new jar. Enjoy your new goodies!
Lover of Tempt Tryst
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