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Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 4:11 pm
by rubycat95
For all the mothers out there, just wanted to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day! Hope you all have a great day w/your families!
Susan :)

Re: Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 4:40 pm
by ~*mikie*~
I'm a mother to 2 darling furbabies, so I'll celebrate,too!

Enjoy yours, Susan!

I'll spend tomorrow with my partner-in-mischief cousin & when we are together, somehow it always feels as though our mothers are still with us. Our mothers had a ball together, just as she & I do, so we'll celebrate their lives tomorrow! Sunday, our cats can wait on *me* hand & foot, ROFL!

Enjoy, everybody!


Re: Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 6:32 pm
by rubycat95
Hi Mikie,
I love what you said about you and your cousin having as much fun together as your mothers did, that's about the sweetest thing I've heard today :) Have a wonderful time celebrating! Your furbabies must be talented, will they bring you breakfast in bed??!! LOL! We don't have much planned, just hanging quietly at home w/dh and the girls. My older daughter is quite excited about it though and didn't want me to wait till Sunday to open the gift she made in school. Homemade gifts from the kids are the best !

Re: Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 7:00 pm
by ~*mikie*~
Susan, all those things are true!

NOTHING beats a handmade/heartfelt gift!

And my mother & my aunt DID laugh a LOT at the oddest things ~ they were prone to gigglefits at life's absurdities when together & Gerri & I learned from the best,LOL!


Re: Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:44 pm
by tizzylou
Susan and Mikie Happy Mother's Day to you also, and also to all the other mother's out there. We celbrated Mother's Day a week early around here as I have to work this weekend, So DH and the menegre of pets waited on me hand and foot last Sunday. Actually the Dogs and Cats aren't that well trained, but they thought is was a good excuse for extra snuggle time. My Step-daughter from my second marriage will be home this weekend so that will be fun, and she hand wrote me the nicest card to thank me for being just like a mom to her and for taking on the responsibilty when I married her dad. It is nice to know that she appreciates the things I do for her, and doesn't classify me as the "wicked" step mother.


Re: Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 3:14 am
by ~*mikie*~
Hollis~ How wonderful! Speaks volumes about each of you as a person & is so very nice to read! Enjoy!

Re: Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 2:41 pm
by rubycat95
Giggle fits can be so cleansing at times! I have been known to have one or two a yr. w/my oldest and dearest friend who lives in Oneonta. We've known each other now for almost *42* yrs! Been through thick and thin together, she's like a sister to me. I managed to hold my daughter off on the gifts until tomorrow, but I admit I can't wait to see what they made this yr!

Happy Mother's Day to you! Your step-daughter sounds like a dear, how sweet of her to write you that note. Those things are truly priceless :)

Re: Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 7:08 pm
by JenW
Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers with babies of any kind. We have all given our heart and soul to caring for those that we love. I hope you have a wonderful day with those that you love.

Our plans are to go to DH's parents and celebrate with my MIL. I so appreciate her, because she did such a great job raising such a wonderful man (my DH). I hope I can do as well with her grandchildren, and luckily I have her help and guidance. Mother's Day is a little rough for me because I lost my Mother to cancer 10 years ago. I know she is still with me.

Ruby- Like you I know I have some handmade gifts hiding somewhere in the house. I so do not want to spoil it for the kids, because their faces glow with pride whenever they talk about the surprises they have made for me. I can't wait. They grow up so fast, and these moments are for cherishing.

Hollis- I commend you for having the complete respect and gratitude of you step-daughter. That speaks volumes about your character.

Mikie- I would love to hear you laugh with your cousin. Life changes so quickly, but there are certain things we can always count on, like the happy memories of one gone, but not really gone. Thank you for your story. It did more for me than you will ever know. I need a good giggle fit, but it makes me smile imagining yours!

Re: Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 9:38 pm
by Ann
happy mother's day to all!

a mother of one.

Re: Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:44 pm
by rubycat95
Hi Jen! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day celebration yesterday with your family and your MIL. I am so sorry to hear about your mom passing, but you are right, I know she is with you too. I feel the same way about my MIL. She and my FIL did a fabulous job raising their 2 sons and I am so lucky to be married to one of them. When I got up yesterday morning my little cherubs were sitting on the couch anxiously waiting for me to open their gifts. Lauren decorated a white apron w/all sort of colorful images of flowers, fish, bugs, etc and Katie painted and decorated a photo frame containing a pic of her. They are so sweet and I will treasure them always.