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Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:01 pm
by Ghost
Hi ladies

Okay this week I ahve been good, cycling but according to those 'scales' I ahve gained a pound this week. DAMN YOU SCALES, I WILL GET YOU ONE DAY MWHAHAHAHAHAHA lol :twisted:

I'm sure it's just a bit of water weight couse I know I've lost this week, oh wells here's to next time (I say that after having a bowl light carte d'or vanilla ice cream.

Karen: Yes I was quite gob smacked at that 3lbs, but oh so glad. Yes someone stealing my card details has happened before.

Zeeb: Yes I hope for a good month too, thanks zeeb :D

Mylavenderheart: Yes I think they should clean toilets, but it should be a toilet for every pound/dollar they stole hahahaha

Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:11 pm
by JenW
Way to keep on, Ghost!

I have not reported in a while. I am not really losing any weight. I think I am at a stage in my life where I really have to try hard to lose weight. However, I have been doing pretty well on my exercise program....I recently got up to 100 miles walked (only counting the miles in my workout). It took a little over two months. I am just getting back to doing it regularly since our Spring Break was over last week. I think my body thinks it is still on vacation! :?

I will be back on plan (eating and exercise) by next week. We just had a major schedule shift with softball and baseball seasons starting up for my kids and we now have something going on every day! The exercise is going, but I still struggle doing both at the same time.

Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:29 pm
by Ghost
Hello ladies

Jen: well done ont he 100 miles walk, two thumbs to you :)

Okay I've lost 1lbs this week and I'm very glad at that cause I haven't been good on my diet. I lost my uncle last friday, was very shocked at how sudden it was. Doing better now but I do miss him.

It's easter weekend this week so I told family instead of eggs I'll have easter make-up (5 fab-u-las eyeshadows from SN). But like all best layed plans, something goes side ways - my supervisor brought us all chocolate eggs today (uh-oh), think older sis has got me a chocolate bar (crap!!) and I was looking forward to a slice (or few) of thorntons triple layered chocolate cake (I'm doomed!!!) LOL

Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:46 pm
by karen
Oooh- I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle. I hope this week is smoother for you- or at least you get some yummy chocolate.

Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:27 pm
by Ghost
Hi ladies

Long time, no post :)

I haven't been weighed for the last 3 weeks as I've been dealing with my uncle's death. Has hit me hard on some day. But I went to weigh in last night and I've gain 5lbs in 3 weeks and I'm happy with that.

I've also come to a dieting decision the last week. I've decided to take a dieting break.................... not stopping, BREAK. I'm going to concentrate on maintaining my weight not losing it. It came to me that I've been dieting for 3 and half years and I need time to concentrate on my personal life at the moment. I've been through a lot in the last four and half years (stress, anxiety and other things which has squashed my confidence at times) and I need to concentrate on that and take a breather. So my weight lose stands at 10st 5lbs :) at the moment I still plan to get weighed every week but that could change.

But I can tell you the losing weight and my SN crack addiction has helps me through some tuff times in those years :) Not too mention the lovely encouragement I get for you ladies - cheers ;)

RIP Uncle Keith,
will always rememeber you, your indian jones hat and cups of teas. Couldn't ask for a better uncle

Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 7:35 pm
by JenW
Awww Sarah,

Big hugs to you. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was pretty special.

Also, I think you are very wise to take a break to deal with those other things now. Your emotional health is important, too. Sometimes, we can only tackle one big thing at a time. I know you will be back at it soon.

Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:25 am
by karen
That's a smart move. Washboard abs mean nothing if you can't enjoy life.

For what it's worth- I think you're incredible. Seriously an amazing and inspirational woman, and I feel very lucky to know you. Don't let others get you down- which I realize is easier said than done some days, but no one can take what you've accomplished away from you, and I hope that knowing how successful you are with your diet gives you hope for the other adventures in your life.

Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:05 pm
by Ghost
Hey ladies

Long time no post, I know

Okay literally the wed after I last posted I realise to take a proper break I need to cut down the weigh-ins every week. So I'm going back to how it was in the beginning, getting weighed every 3 weeks.

So it's been three weeks since my last post and I actually lost 3lbs :o . I have been eating chocolates, biscuits, cakes, ice cream (no fried or fast food, cannot stand the stuff anymore - urgh!!!). I still checking the back of foods but not stressing if it's a little bit over the 5% fat. I will admit when I know I have had 'sweet tooth' fun (binge), I have done exercise not long after do burn the cals off before they store as fat :D. I'm also still cycling to work (have I mentioned that????) everyday, so I'm not doing so bad after all.

Jen: Thank you for your support and condolences :)

Karen: Thank you so much for your kind words (sorry for not replying sooner). It is so sweet of you to say. I'm going through some personal issues at the mo so it is hard for me to realise and relish the accomplishments I've done in the last 3 and half years. But you have really warmed my heart. I can honestly say SN (and you and the SN crew) have really helped me in the last 4 years with all the products to cheer me up when I am down.

On another note I will be meeting (again) Rosemary Conley on her away day on 24th June yiiiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The fab women herself will finally coming to Gloucester (where I live), so this year I can finally get my pic taken with her. Will so post pics when I do and of course I'll be wearing SN for the day.

Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:42 pm
by ladycattat
Hi Ghost...really glad to see you back for a bit. Very sorry about your loss...I know it makes the *other* stuff in your life seem somehow frivilous....but you are amazing!
Happy to see you get a photo op with your inspiration...should be a blast!
Take good care,

Re: The Diet/Self-Improvement Thread

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:16 pm
by karen
That's awesome! It's always brightens my day to read your posts- to know that you're alive, and kicking. I wasn't quite sure how to respond- hence the late post, but I'm glad something is making a difference.

You rock!!!!!!