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Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:35 pm
by Xarata
Aden wrote:Thank you again Sam for your amazing generosity! Am so anxious to get the samples and have a big play, but really do fear for the bank balance as a result. :o
I wouldn't worry too much- i haven't been to the post office yet but the website marks postage as $1.82 to each of the 3 destinations (France, Germany, Japan). Like I said, I ship them in cards (like a birthday card or a blank thank you card). They're not rigid and they're not thick.

Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:19 pm
by lilychemgirl
Hi Sam,
Sorry I hadn't got back to you, is it too late? I have been really busy this weekend. I will pm you my list ASAP, if you have already sent off the others then I understand.

Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:41 pm
by lilychemgirl
Oh, and I am sorry, but we don't have those flavours of ferrero rocher, I wish we did, because they look delicious :lol:

Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:52 am
by Pomi
lilychemgirl wrote:Oh, and I am sorry, but we don't have those flavours of ferrero rocher, I wish we did, because they look delicious :lol:
I've never seen those in France either... We only have the regular ones! (And they are amazing enough! haha)

Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:31 pm
by Xarata
the us request i received went out in the mail yesterday, the intl ones will go out tuesday because i don't have to work this tuesday and it's easier than getting up early (i currently work 11am-5pm most days and get up at 10. Because my husband work from 6pm-3am, i try to stay awake so i get to see him which makes getting up early difficult. I've spent 10 minutes with my husband in 2 days :( )

Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:25 pm
by Xarata
envelopes went out today to France, Germany, Japan, and New Zealand. Let me know when they get there! (For those worried about shipping, stamps were only 98 cents)

Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:01 pm
by superwahz
Ooooo...too bad this section of the board wasn't up when I was living in NZ. They have those flavors there, or at least they did! I bought them as gifts for the in laws for Christmas MIL has a big thing for Ferrero Rocher chocolates. We kept one set for ourselves though...they're worth hunting for, especially the coconut and pistachio flavors. I hope someone finds them for you soon Samantha!

Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:14 pm
by Xarata
Angelica said she could send me some from Germany (of course they have them in Germany! All the yummy chocolatey things are always in germany. hehe) I'm so excited. My return address is on the envelopes though, so I'm crossing my fingers they all get where they're meant to go. I think I had an envelope take 2 weeks to get to Australia with some Cory samples once a few year ago. An envelope!

Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:01 am
by lilychemgirl
Superwahz, I am in NZ and I have never seen them, where did you find them? If I can find some Sam I will send you some :)

Re: Looking for samples?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:05 pm
by superwahz
@Xarata- European chocolate is divine. Something about the smooth, soft texture of it. Any time someone is traveling and asks if I want anything I always answer CHOCOLATE (and a keychain)! It's my life's mission to experience chocolate from all over the world :-P

For some reason it often seems to take mail from the US longer to get to AU than NZ. I don't know if it's because AU is bigger so it takes longer to get redistributed once it clears customs or what. But I do know that sometimes I'd get SN packages a week after ordering and some Aussies with the same order date were still stalking the postman days later... Having said this, I'm sure it'll happen in reverse just so I look like a dork. :lol:

@Lilychemgirl- Enjoying summer? We left NZ this time last year so I'm still trying to sort out the seasons...after I'd finally adjusted to having them swapped around after being there for 3 years. I miss NZ soooo much! We talked to the in laws via webcam last night and were moping afterwards because it was so warm and sunny on their end while we're here huddled in blankets with dreary grey skies!

I bought the chocolates at a Kmart in Auckland (though I did come across them somewhere else that escapes my mind at the moment). They had stacks of them in their holiday goodies section. I wasn't a regular Kmart shopper though, so I have no clue if they carry them through the year or just for the Christmas holiday. :-)