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Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:12 am
by chaye
I met up with a friend yesterday and had a wonderful time catching up.

Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:16 am
by zeebs
I had an awesome doctor visit today. New doctor and I think he's going to help me a lot.

Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:26 am
by twoamgoodbyes
I received a gift package from someone on Chanty's forum. Thanks Samantha :D !

My mom bought some meat-free foods specifically just for me, the sole vegetarian in the family.

Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:27 am
by Jan in ID
I had a fun day out shopping and having lunch with my daughter today. I let her skip school (shh..don't tell the principle!) so that we could enjoy the day together.

I am thankful and grateful that....

my darling hubby got home safe and sound
my dogs missed me while I was gone
I received my SN order in the mail!
but most importantly, that GOD watches over my family and I :)

Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:15 am
by lilychemgirl
I am in the middle of my dd's 6th birthday party. It made my day seeing all those little girls (who are sleeping over tonight) having so much fun.

Karen, you are so great to do this :)

Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:30 am
by Aden
Yesterday (15th) was my daughter's 3rd birthday. When she woke and I said 'Happy Birthday!' she asked if she was a big girl now. Of course I said 'yes' and she immediately rushed to the mirror to look at herself and proclaimed `I am a big girl now Mummy!` with the biggest smile on her face. That made my day. :) Of course she will always be my precious little girl, and I will be eternally grateful for my happy and healthy children.

Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:57 am
by feyith
I was just over at my sister's house earlier today and her little puppy ran up and shaked my hand for no reason. :lol:

Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:04 am
by WendyD
I live at school about 1.5hrs away, and I came home for the weekend already.

- Seeing my cousins put a smile on my face. We have SO many adventures and shared memories. We took a joyride into a darker, more desertted side of town and scared ourselves.
- Being able to contour today without looking like a clown. I have cheekbones!
- Cooking for my friends -- It was only instant noodles with ham and egg, but he dfinitely appreciated it - and devoured it very fast -- And he did the dishes after!

Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:36 am
by pinkpomelo
I am thankful ...

- that in this tumultuous economy, I have a job.
- that my boss is like a surrogate father but without the angst that sometimes comes with family baggage
- to be living in Singapore, where despite its FLAWS (and it does have some big ones) I can still walk, alone, at night, and not be afraid of getting mugged/grabbed/whatever scary thing
- for my husband who puts up with my nonsense and says "sorry" when he needs to and "stop it" when its needed
- that my cat will let us trim her nails and give her baths with just plaintive mews. Yes, the neighbors may think we are animal abusers, but all she does is MEEEEEW but takes the nail cutting and water dousing with no scratching or squirming.
- for the roof over my head. I have a home. Its is clean and comfortable, and has a Nespresso coffee maker. I am more than blessed. I am living the lap of luxury!

But most of all, I am thankful for God, who never fails to show me beauty -- whether in the form of surprise gifts, or warm and friendly forum mates (yes, this is YOU here in the SN forum) -- yes, this thread really really made my day!!

Re: It made my day...

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:56 am
by Pomi
I'm seeing my best friend today.
I scored 54/60 at my last math exam.
I went to the swimming pool yesterday even though I didn't want to.
I decided today that I'll try and be better-tempered in the future.
I wore Escape this morning and loved it.
My skin looks amazing thanks to my new SN routine.