Best neutral colors for me

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Re: Best neutral colors for me

Post by bellatete » Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:31 am

yes, they are very similar!! that's why today i went to work with centerfold, and when that had worn off, i put on mirage instead, to see if there's more of a difference on the lips.

my conclusion: on my lips centerfold looks more greyish/beige, while mirage has a slightly more pinky-peach tint. it's subtle, but depending on one's skintone, this might be the difference between nicely nude and corpse lips ;)
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Re: Best neutral colors for me

Post by Mairi » Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:31 am

well, the walking dead was not the look I was going for, even if that's how I feel sometimes :shock:

I suppose it really also depends on the pigmentation of one's lips. I really appreciate your feedback, it's definitely helpful.
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Re: Best neutral colors for me

Post by EmSilkNat » Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:18 am

I completely agree on the corpse lip issue! I really find the swatch you did helpful as I've been in this same boat, looking for which colours I might be able to really use well for future. I love the mlbb's, more natural looks, and nudes that I can use to tone down a look that is too bright in combination with eyes. I've found that Maiden and Nice Tan are really super for this, but Centerfold is absolutely not good for me - it's too dark and intense, and has a corpse-purple effect on me. I can't explain it any better than that. Cultured on the other hand is really wonderful! I feel there is a big difference between these colours, even if they look really similar on the swatch!
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