SKB / Sea Emollient / Venuceane?

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SKB / Sea Emollient / Venuceane?

Post by Regia » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:01 am

I bought SKB and Sea Emollient from SEA sometime ago, and when using them, my skin reacted.. with blotchiness, roughness and .. you know that feeling when deadskin builds but unevenly? Like my skin feels both due for exfoliation while other parts feels thin and sensitive (so exfoliation is out of the question). At first I trod on, maybe just adjusting phase, but after my skin was only getting worse I quit; swapped my SKB after that.

I mentioned this reaction in another forum and the possibility of me being allergic to SKB/Sea Emollient was brought up.

Browsing the SN products, I noticed that Venuceane is being used in serums, I'm wondering if it's similar to SKB/ if it'd be likely that my skin would react similarly? Thankyou : )
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Re: SKB / Sea Emollient / Venuceane?

Post by JenW » Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:03 am

Sea Kelp Bioferment is mainly used as a non-oil moisturizer. Venuceane is used more for its antioxidant properties. Their actions seem quite different even though they come from sea based sources. Even if SKB and Venuceane are not similar, you could still react to either one. If anything, I would think Venuceane would be stronger. If you want to try the products with Venuceane, I highly suggest sampling, and treading very lightly. Anyone with a history of adverse reactions should treat any new product similarly.

If you need a more specific answer than that, you will have to ask Karen.
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Re: SKB / Sea Emollient / Venuceane?

Post by karen » Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:26 pm

As ingredients they're quite a bit different. The SKB is thick and gloppy, and the Venuceane is watery and thin.

Whether or not you'd be allergic- it's tough to say. They are very different strains of algae in the two ingredients. Some people are allergic to shellfish- and they can't eat any lobster, or crab, but can handle clams, and some people can't go near anything from the ocean.
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Re: SKB / Sea Emollient / Venuceane?

Post by pinkpomelo » Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:21 am

U know, I have a feeling I may be allergic to something in the Super Serum too. Or maybe I used too much? I use about three squirts worth for my face, neck and chest.

Immediately after the first application, I felt my face feeling super taut and dry. I put a layer of my Origins moisturizer and it felt better. But over the next two days, I experienced itching and warmth on my face, the tightness still there. And the skin became dry and tiny little bumps appeared all over my face and neck. I also felt more sensitive to heat — sweating stung a little. Not a good thing for hot humid tropical Singapore :-)

So now, I'm not sure if it's the Super Serum. Or if the SS reacted with my Origins moisturizer? Or maybe I used way too much?

Anyways, I stopped to let my face heal and we will see how in 2 weeks. I bought the Super Serum before and I remember the same thing happening. But I was also using a whole flurry of other SN skin care products, and because I couldn't tell which was causing it, I stopped everything.

If it is the Super Serum, that's so sad. Especially when so many women are raving about it.
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Re: SKB / Sea Emollient / Venuceane?

Post by sanctuary » Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:41 pm

Turns out that I'm allergic to one of the ingredients in the Super Serum. When I first applied, after 2-3 hours my skin became so itchy. And when I washed my face, some parts in my face that felt itchy were red. Small bumps also appeared, they looked like baby's prickly heat. I went on using the Super Serum because I thought it was just adjustment phase. But as I continued, my skin got worse, so I stopped. Too bad that Super Serum doesn't work for me :( , especially because it has got a rave. I should go back to my Awesome Sauce then, which is really awesome for me.
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