Hello ladies! Another EDM refugee looking for her SN colors!

Here's a chance to ask makeup mavens about color selection! You can easily add your picture to posts, and get help with all of your specific makeup questions.
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Hello ladies! Another EDM refugee looking for her SN colors!

Post by feyith » Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:34 pm

Hi gals!

As you've probably encountered a ton of us lately, please bear with me. I am a huge makeup newbie - and also horribly broke, so I promised myself I would buy only ONE e/s, liner, etc., one highlight color and one blush. Is there anything in particular that would work best for my skin tone? So far I've been a big fan of brown shadows, pink highlights/blush and lots of sparkles! :D Could you help me pick the best shades for if I want to be safe and stick with that and one for when I want to be adventurous and branch out? Here's me with and without makeup. (I'll probably need foundation help at some point, too...) Thanks for the help, all you lovely ladies! :)

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Re: Hello ladies! Another EDM refugee looking for her SN colors!

Post by nory87 » Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:42 pm

Hi!! I am from EM forum too!! I just wanted to say that your skin is so gorgeous!! Why do you wear foundation? Your skin is flawless, lol!!!
The product here are lovely!! Hope you enjoy them!! :D
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Re: Hello ladies! Another EDM refugee looking for her SN colors!

Post by JenW » Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:39 pm

Hi Emma,
I definitely respect your wishes to keep it simple.
For a highlight....do you mean something more like a glow, or an eyeshadow?

An awesome brown eyeshadow is Brown Sugar. Brown and both subtle and shimmery at the same time.
A sparkley hot pink blush.....Babydoll. Can be light with a light hand, or more dramatic with a little heavier hand.
A pink highlight...Purr...this can be an eyeshadow highlighter or a sparkley glow.
An adventurous color........Vinyard. Since you seem to like browns....purple might be the perfect adventurous color.
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Re: Hello ladies! Another EDM refugee looking for her SN colors!

Post by feyith » Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:23 pm

Nory, you're so sweet! I love your signature. That's my motto too. We must be twins. :D

Thanks for the recommendations, Jen. :)
I went and checked out those colors but then got sucked into clicking on ALL of them, and now I am having a bit of trouble narrowing down my cart. LOL!
Vineyard looks lovely. How about the deeper purples? Would Bewitched look okay on me too?
Brown Sugar, Burnished and Chocolate Twinkle all look amazing! Is there a resident favorite of these?
I'm trying to decide what's the difference between: Charming, Cosmic, Babydoll and Tart?
And also between: Purrr, Whisper, Quiver, Playful and Nekkid?
Are any of the above colors similar to EDM's Pink Ribbon?
I think Idolize is calling out to me.
What are morphing colors?

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Re: Hello ladies! Another EDM refugee looking for her SN colors!

Post by Silverfern » Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:06 pm

I can't answer most of your questions but I can throw a little info out there.

I have Charming and it's a bit browner that Tart and Cosmic. I also have Nekkid, it's sorta peachy. I also have EDM's pink ribbon, I don't know what is similar to it yet. I just got Light Tart, and it's sorta like PR. Sorta. But I have to say that you should really get a sample of Petal blush if you haven't. It looks super light on the swatches but it's a lovely natural flush color that looks like what you have on in the first picture. If you don't have anything on, then it's just like you natural flush. I also can't seem to use too much of it, which is good because I'm usually half asleep putting on my makeup in the morning, haha.

I have gotten some great info from your quest for makeup on the forums. Thanks!
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Re: Hello ladies! Another EDM refugee looking for her SN colors!

Post by JenW » Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:48 am

Let's see if I can answer all of the things you asked....

Bewitched would be lovely for you...it is a deep purple that leans pink.

Brown Sugar, Burnished, or Chocolate Twinkle.....Hmmm. Chocolate Twinkle is probably the darkest of the three with Burnished close behind. Brown Sugar is more a mid-toned brown that could be a one color wash. Brown Sugar and Burnished are a little more complex, too. I also know that Karen was extremely proud of Brown Sugar when it came out. Others that fall in the 'Karen was super excited when they came out' colors (which does not include any dupes)...Velvet, Soiree, Vinyard, Fire...I will see if I can think of a few more. Since she deals in these colors all the time, it is good to know what she thought were her standouts. There are definitely more, but those were the ones I remembered from our conversations. She had Idolize before I worked here, but it is another one that she loves, and it is a dupe.

The blushes....coolest to warmest....Tart, Cosmic, Charming, Babydoll.....Tart is matte, and the other three are shimmers. Charming is a MAC MSF clone, so it is closer to a glow than a blush, but it works as a blush. Babydoll is definitely not warm toned; it is more neutral.

Whisper is a frosty pink, Quiver is a mid toned pink that morphs gold (I will get to the morphing), Playful is mid-toned Barbie pink, and Purr is a perfect blend of peach and pink with a pretty high level of shimmer.

Pink Ribbon.......I remember that one kind of coolish pink, but warmer on skin. Close would be Petal but it is matte, and the pink is probably a little less warm on the skin. I wonder how the new Stellar would compare? It is a cool pink with silver shimmer.

Morphing colors have a pigment in them that changes color depending on how the light hits. It is the most noticeable with the addition of a primer, especially a black primer. It is the coolest effect to see them over a black eyeliner like our Film Noir.
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Re: Hello ladies! Another EDM refugee looking for her SN colors!

Post by feyith » Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:10 pm

Oh, wow...thank you for all the info, Jen. That helps a lot! I think I'm gonna order all of the ones you initially suggested...plus Bewitched...and I think I need morphing color. (Oh dear, so much for self-control!)
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